{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split #-}
open import TransportLemmas
open import ProductIdentities
open import EquivalenceType
open import HomotopyType

Decidable equality

A type has decidable equality if any two of its elements are equal or different. This would be a particular instance of the Law of Excluded Middle that holds even if we do not assume Excluded Middle.

module DecidableEquality where
  :  {: Level}  (A : Type ℓ)  Type ℓ

decEq A = (a b : A)  (a == b) + ¬ (a == b)

and a more convenient name for this:

  :  {: Level}  (A : Type ℓ)  Type ℓ
A is-decidable = decEq A

The product of types with decidable equality is a type with decidable equality.

  :  {: Level} {A B : Type ℓ}
   decEq A  decEq B
   decEq (A × B)

decEqProd da db (a1 , b1) (a2 , b2)
 with (da a1 a2) | (db b1 b2)
... | inl aeq | inl beq = inl (prodByComponents (aeq , beq))
... | inl _   | inr bnq = inr λ b  bnq (ap π₂ b)
... | inr anq | _       = inr λ b  anq (ap π₁ b)

This surely can be extend to other types.