{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split #-}
open import TransportLemmas
open import EquivalenceType

open import HomotopyType
open import FunExtAxiom
open import QuasiinverseType
open import DecidableEquality
open import NaturalType
open import HLevelTypes
open import HLevelLemmas
open import HedbergLemmas
open import TruncationType
open import FibreType
open import CoproductIdentities

Types of Morphisms

module TypesofMorphisms where


  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

isSurjection {B = B} f = (b : B)  ∥ fib f b ∥

isSurjective   = isSurjection
isOnto         = isSurjection
_is-surjection = isSurjection

Do not confuse with the traditional logic notation for surjective functions which says \(f\) is surjective if \(∀ (b : B) ∃ (a : A) . f a ≡ b\). This is stronger than merely know exists an \((a : A)\) as it was stated above with fib f b .

Therefore, we define the concept of split-surjection:

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

isSplitSurjection {B = B} f = (b  : B)  fib f b

_is-split-surjection = isSplitSurjection

Which is equivalent to say \(f\) is a retraction:

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

isRetraction {A = A}{B} f =(B  A) (λ g  (b : B)  f (g b) ≡ b)

_is-retraction = isRetraction

As a trivial example, we know the identity function is indeed a surjective function. Let us check this.

identity-is-surjective :  {: Level}{A : Type ℓ}   isSurjection {A = A} id
identity-is-surjective {A = A} b = ∥∥-intro (b , idp)


  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

isEmbedding {A = A} f =  {x y : A}  isEquiv (ap f {x}{y})

_is-embedding = isEmbedding

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level}{A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   f is-embedding
   B is-set
   ∏[ x ∶ B ] isProp (fib f x)

is-embedding-has-prop-fibers f f-is-emb B-is-set =
  λ b  λ {(a , p₁) (b , p₂) 
  pair= (((ap f , f-is-emb) ∙←) (p₁ · ! p₂)
  , B-is-set _ _ _ _)}


Discuss: should I demand for injective functions to have their domains and codomains as sets?

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

isInjective {A = A} f =  {x y}  f x ≡ f y  x ≡ y

_is-injective = isInjective

As a trivial example, let us prove identity is an injective function:

  :  {: Level} {A : Type ℓ}
   isInjective {A = A} id

identity-is-injective p = p
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (iA : isSet A)
   (f : A  B)
   isProp (isInjective f)

isInjectiveIsProp {A = A}{B} iA f i1 i2 =
  aux i1 i2
      aux : isProp ( {x y}  (f x ≡ f y  x ≡ y))
      aux = pi-is-prop-implicit
             (λ x  pi-is-prop-implicit (λ y 
               pi-is-prop (λ p  iA x y)

injective-is-prop = isInjectiveIsProp
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   isProp (isSurjection f)

isSurjectionIsProp f = pi-is-prop (λ b  truncated-is-prop {A = fib f b})

surjective-is-prop = isSurjectionIsProp

If the function \(f : A → B\) is a surjection, we are able to get a function \(g : B → A\) by the recursion principle of truncation.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   isSet B
   isSurjection f
   isInjective f
   (b : B)  ∑ A (λ a  f a == b)

fromSurjection {A = A}{B} f iB f-is-onto f-is-injective b
  = trunc-rec (aux b) id (f-is-onto b)
      : (b : B)
       isProp (fib f b)

    aux .(f x) (x , idp) (x' , p2) =
        (λ y  f y == f x)
        (f-is-injective (! p2))
        (iB (f x') (f x)
            (tr (λ z₁  f z₁ == f x) (f-is-injective (! p2)) idp) p2)
preimage-function = fromSurjection


Bijection is a concept from Set Theory, which meeans that if we want to define it in Univalent Type Theory, we must talk about only functions between (homotopy) sets. Thus, we will find these assumptions in the type for bijections, even though, we do not really need them ¬¬.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   isSet A  isSet B
   Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

isBijection f iA iB = isInjective f × isSurjection f

_is-bijection = isBijection

Before to proceed to prove that equivalence and bijection are two logical equivalent concept when we talk about (homotopy) sets, let us give an example of a natural bijection, the idenitity function.

  :  {: Level} {A : Type ℓ}
   (A-is-set : isSet A)
   isBijection id A-is-set A-is-set

identity-is-bijection {A} ia = identity-is-injective , identity-is-surjective

Discuss: we again see that the assumption of being a set for the domain is required in the way to check the funciton is injective or surjective. This must suggest, we must include this assumption in the Injective definition.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (iA : isSet A)  (iB : isSet B)
   (f : A  B)
   isBijection f iA iB
   A ≃ B

Bijection {A = A}{B} iA iB f (f-is-injective , f-is-onto)
  = qinv-≃ f (g , (H₁ , H₂))
  aux : (b : B)  ∑ A (λ a  f a ≡ b)
  aux = fromSurjection f iB f-is-onto f-is-injective

  g : B  A
  g = π₁ ∘ aux

  H₁ : (b : B)  f (g b) == b
  H₁ b = π₂ (aux b)

  H₂ : (a : A)  g (f a) == a
  H₂ a = f-is-injective (H₁ (f a))
is-bijection-to-≃ =  Bijection
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (iA : isSet A)
   (iB : isSet B)
   (e : A ≃ B)  (isBijection (e ∙→) iA iB)

≃-to-bijection iA iB e =
  (λ {x y} p   ! (∙←∘∙→ e) · (ap (e ∙←) p)  · (∙←∘∙→ e) )  -- is injective
  , λ b (e ∙←) b , ∙→∘∙← e ∣                            -- is surjective
  where open import EquivalenceType

Bijection and being equivalent are equivalent notions:

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (iA : isSet A) (iB : isSet B)
   (f : A  B)
   isBijection f iA iB  ≃ isEquiv f

isBijection-≃-isEquiv {A = A}{B} iA iB f =
    (λ bij  π₂ (Bijection iA iB f bij))
    ((λ isEquivf  ≃-to-bijection iA iB (f , isEquivf))
    , h1 , h2)
    h1 : (λ x  π₂ (Bijection iA iB f (≃-to-bijection iA iB (f , x)))) ∼ id
    h1 e = isContrMapIsProp f _ e

    h2 : (λ x  ≃-to-bijection iA iB (f , π₂ (Bijection iA iB f x))) ∼ id
    h2 bij = ×-is-prop (isInjectiveIsProp iA f) (isSurjectionIsProp f) _ bij

open import QuasiinverseLemmas
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (iA : isSet A)(iB : isSet B)
   (f : A  B)
   isProp (isBijection f iA iB)

bijIsProp iA iB f = isProp-≃ (≃-sym (isBijection-≃-isEquiv iA iB f)) (isEquivIsProp f)
bijection-is-prop = bijIsProp

For some reasons, we might need to have the inverse, the actual function, of a bijection. One way I see now is to recover such a function from the equivalence, using remap. Let’s see this:

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (iA : isSet A)  (iB : isSet B)
   (f : A  B)
   isBijection f iA iB
   B  A

inverse-of-bijection iA iB f isBij
  = remap (Bijection iA iB f isBij)

inv-of-bij = inverse-of-bijection
    :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
     (A-is-set : isSet A)  (B-is-set : isSet B)
     (f : A  B)  (f-is-bij : isBijection f A-is-set B-is-set)
     f ∘ inverse-of-bijection A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij ∼ id

∘-bijective-and-its-inverse-l A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij =
  lrmap-inverse-h (is-bijection-to-≃ A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij)
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (A-is-set : isSet A)(B-is-set : isSet B)
   (f : A  B)  (f-is-bij : isBijection f A-is-set B-is-set)
   (inverse-of-bijection A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij) ∘ f ∼ id

∘-bijective-and-its-inverse-r A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij =
  rlmap-inverse-h (is-bijection-to-≃ A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij)

The inverse of a bijection is clearly a bijection as well.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level}{A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (A-is-set : isSet A)  (B-is-set : isSet B)
   (f : A  B)  (f-is-bij : isBijection f A-is-set B-is-set)
   isBijection (inverse-of-bijection A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij) B-is-set A-is-set

inverse-of-bijection-is-bijection A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij
  = inv-f-is-inj , inv-f-is-sur

  inv-f-is-inj : isInjective (inverse-of-bijection A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij)
  inv-f-is-inj {x = x}{y} p =
    ! ∘-bijective-and-its-inverse-l A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij x
    ·  ap f p
    · ∘-bijective-and-its-inverse-l A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij y

  inv-f-is-sur : isSurjection (inverse-of-bijection A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij)
  inv-f-is-sur a = ∣ f a , ∘-bijective-and-its-inverse-r A-is-set B-is-set f f-is-bij a ∣
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level }
   {A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} {C : Type ℓ₃}
   (f : A  B)  isInjective f
   (g : B  C)  isInjective g
   isInjective (g ∘ f)

∘-injectives-is-injective f f-is-injective g g-is-injective
  p = f-is-injective (g-is-injective p)

As we expect, composition of surjections is also surjections. However, this fact is not trivial and it is a good exercise to understand better propositional truncation.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level }
   {A : Type ℓ₁} {B : Type ℓ₂} {C : Type ℓ₃}
   (f : A  B)  isSurjection f
   (g : B  C)  isSurjection g
   isSurjection (g ∘ f)

∘-surjection-is-surjection {A = A}{B}{C} f f-is-surjection g g-is-surjection
  c = step₁ (g-is-surjection c)
  step₁ : ∥ ∑ B (λ b  g b ≡ c) ∥ ∑ A (λ a  (f :> g) a ≡ c) ∥
  step₁ = trunc-rec ∥∥-is-prop step₂
    step₂ : ∑ B (λ b  g b ≡ c)  ∥ ∑ A (λ a  (f :> g) a ≡ c) ∥
    step₂ (b , p₁) = step₃ b p₁ (f-is-surjection b)
      step₃ : (b : B)  g b ≡ c
         ∥ ∑ A (λ a  f a ≡ b) ∥ ∑ A (λ a  (f :> g) a ≡ c) ∥
      step₃ b p₁ = trunc-rec ∥∥-is-prop step₄
         step₄ : ∑ A (λ a  f a ≡ b)  ∥ ∑ A (λ a  (f :> (λ {a = a₁}  g)) a ≡ c) ∥
         step₄ (a , p) = ∣ a , ((ap g p) · p₁)

Lastly, bijections is also closed by compositions but its proof is just application of the lemmas proved above. Notice the extra requirement which is the domain and codomains need to be sets. This was not stated above for the related lemmas, but it the condition to talk about the concept of bijection.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level}
   {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}{C : Type ℓ₃}
   (A-is-set : isSet A) (B-is-set : isSet B)(C-is-set : isSet C)
   (f : A  B)  isBijection f A-is-set B-is-set
   (g : B  C)  isBijection g B-is-set C-is-set
   isBijection (g ∘ f) A-is-set C-is-set

∘-bijections-is-bijection {A = A}{B}{C}
  A-is-set B-is-set iC
    f (f-is-injective , f-is-surjection)
    g (g-is-injective , g-is-surjection)
  = ∘-injectives-is-injective f f-is-injective g g-is-injective
  , ∘-surjection-is-surjection f f-is-surjection g g-is-surjection

Other theorems about +-map

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄ : Level}
   {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}{C : Type ℓ₃} {D : Type ℓ₄}
   {f : A + B  C + D}
   (isInjective f)
   (g : B  D)  ((b : B)  inr (g b) ≡ f (inr b))
   isInjective g

inj-from-⊕-injective {C = C} f⊕g-is-inj g g-is-f {x} {y} p  =
    (f⊕g-is-inj {x = inr x} (! g-is-f x · ap inr p · g-is-f y))
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄ : Level}
   {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}{C : Type ℓ₃} {D : Type ℓ₄}
   {f : A  C} {g : B  D}
   (isInjective 〈 f ⊕ g 〉)
   isInjective g

right-is-injective-of-⊕-injective {C = C} f⊕g-is-inj {x} {y} p =
    (f⊕g-is-inj {x = inr x}
      $ ap (λ w  inr {A = C} w) p)
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄ : Level}
   {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}{C : Type ℓ₃} {D : Type ℓ₄}
   {f : A  C} {g : B  D}
   (isInjective 〈 f ⊕ g 〉)
   isInjective f

left-is-injective-of-⊕-injective {C = C} f⊕g-is-inj {x} {y} p =
    (f⊕g-is-inj {x = inl x}
      $ ap (λ w  inl {A = C} w) p)
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}{C : Type ℓ₃}
   {f : A  B} {g : B  C }
   isInjective (f :> g)
   isInjective f

:>-is-injective-is-inj {f = f} {g} :>-is-inj p = :>-is-inj (ap g p)