Quick start

This documentation is generated automatically. The sub-folder src in the repository of this project contains the Agda sources.

Code conventions

Definitions and theorems are typed with unicode characters. Lemmas and theorems are shown as rule inferences as much as possible. Level universes are explicitly given.

  :  ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂.. : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}   -- Implicit assumptions
  → (B : A → Type ℓ₂)                    -- Explicit assumptions
  → ...                                  -- (Most relevant) premises
  → ...                                  -- Conclusion
termName = definition
  helper1 : ...
  helper2 = def...

Proof relevancy

To be consistent with univalent type theory, we tell Agda to not use Axiom K for type-checking by using the option without-K on the top of the files.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

In addition, without the Axiom K, Agda’s Set is not a good name for universes in HoTT. So, we rename Set to Type. Our type judgments then will include the universe level as one explicit argument. Also, we want to have judgmental equalities for each usage of (=) so we use the following option.

{-# OPTIONS --exact-split #-}
open import Agda.Primitive
  using ( Level ; lsuc; lzero; _⊔_ ) public

Note that l q is the maximum of two hierarchy levels l and q and we use this later on to define types in full generality.

  : (: Level)
   Set (lsuc ℓ)

Type ℓ = Set
  : Type (lsuc lzero)

Type₀ = Type lzero
  : Type (lsuc (lsuc lzero))

Type₁ = Type (lsuc lzero)

The following type is to lift a type to a higher universe.

record{a : Level}(A : Type a)
    : Type (a ⊔ ℓ)
  constructor Lift
    lower : A

open ↑ public