{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split #-}
open import TransportLemmas
open import EquivalenceType

open import HomotopyType
open import FunExtAxiom
open import HLevelTypes
open import CircleType
open import GroupType

Fundamental group

Definition of the fundamental group of a type. Let a:A be one point of the type. The fundamental group on a is the group given by proofs of the equality (a=a).

module FundamentalGroupType where

Definition of the fundamental group.

  :  {: Level}(A : Type ℓ)
   (a : A)  Type ℓ

Ω A a = (a == a)
  :  {: Level} (A : hSet ℓ)
   (a : π₁ A)  Group {}
Ω-gr (A , A-is-set) a =
    (Ω A a)
    (refl a)
    (set-is-groupoid A-is-set a a)
    (λ (x : Ω A a)  refl x)
    (λ (x : Ω A a)  ! (·-runit x))
    (λ x y z  ! (·-assoc x y z)  )
  , inv , λ x  ·-rinv x , ·-linv x
    open import MonoidType
    open import HLevelLemmas