{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --rewriting #-}
open import TransportLemmas
open import EquivalenceType

open import HomotopyType
open import FunExtAxiom
open import QuasiinverseType
open import DecidableEquality
open import NaturalType
open import HLevelTypes
open import HLevelLemmas
open import HedbergLemmas

Propositional truncation

Propositional truncation (or reflection) is the universal solution to the problem of mapping \(X\) to a proposition \(P\):


  • It’s possible to extend MLTT to get truncations for all types. (Such as resizing + funext, or higher inductive types.)

For a different way of formalising trucation see: agda-premises.

    !∥_∥ {} (A : Type ℓ)
      : Type ℓ
      !∣_∣ : A  !∥ A ∥
  :  {: Level} (A : Type ℓ)
   Type ℓ

∥ A ∥ = !∥ A ∥

prop-trunc = ∥_∥
  :  {: Level} {X : Type ℓ}
   X  ∥ X ∥

∣ x ∣ = !∣ x ∣
∥∥-intro = ∣_∣

Any two elements of the truncated type are equal

{: .axiom}

    :  {: Level} {A : Type ℓ}
     isProp ∥ A ∥

Recursion principle

  :   {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{P : Type ℓ₂}
   isProp P
   (A  P)
   ∥ A ∥  P

trunc-rec _ f !∣ x ∣ = f x
trunc-elim = trunc-rec
∥∥-rec     = trunc-rec

There exists the possibility to charactherize, propositional truncation using an impredicative approach, which means, our definition will lay on a larger universe as on the right-hand side in the following formulation.

\[∥ X ∥ ⇔ ∏ (P : \mathsf{Type} ), \mathsf{isProp}(P) → (X → P) → P\]


  • rhs is a propositon assuming funext
  • this equation tells us an important relation (a pattern) between the type (in this case, prop-trunc) and its elimination principle (trunc-rec)
  • Impredicative means in this context: “it is defined in terms of quantification over a family which the thing we are defining is a member of.” (Gylterud).

Truncation Lemmas

  :  {: Level} {A : Type ℓ}
   isProp (∥ A ∥)

truncated-is-prop = trunc
∥∥-is-prop    = truncated-is-prop
trunc-is-prop = truncated-is-prop
  :  {: Level} {A : Type ℓ}
   A is-prop
   ∥ A ∥ ≃ A

trunc-≃-prop pA = lemma333 trunc pA (trunc-rec pA id) ∣_∣

A relation between double implication and the truncation of a type:

   :  {} {X : Type ℓ}
    ∥ X ∥ ⇔ (¬ (¬ X))

Using propositional truncation, we are able to define properly the logical disjunction and existence as follows.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level}
   (p : hProp ℓ₁) (q : hProp ℓ₂)
   Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
(P , _)(Q , _) = ∥ P + Q ∥

infix 2 _∨_

Conjunction is the product of two mere propositons.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level}
   (p : hProp ℓ₁) (q : hProp ℓ₂)
   Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

(P , _)(Q , _) = P × Q

infix  2 _∧_
  :  {: Level}
   (T : Type ℓ)  (P : T  hProp ℓ)
   Type ℓ

∃[ T ] P = ∥ ∑ T (λ x  π₁ (P x))

Another use of propositional truncation is to say a type \(A\) is non-empty. In this case, we have an element of \(∥A∥\)

  :  {: Level}
   (A : Type ℓ)
   Type ℓ
A is-non-empty = ∥ A ∥

infixl 100 _is-non-empty
  :  {: Level}{A : Type ℓ}
   isProp (A is-non-empty)

is-non-empty-is-prop = ∥∥-is-prop

For any type \(A\) and a term \(a : A\), we shall say the connected commponent of \(a\) is all the terms in \(A\) “connected” with \(a\).

  :  {: Level} {A : Type ℓ}
   (a : A)
   Type ℓ

connected-component {A = A} a = ∑ A (λ x  ∥ a ≡ x ∥ )

Consequently, two terms appear to be in the same component whenever there is an element in ∥ x ≡ y ∥.

  :  {: Level}{A : Type ℓ}
   (x y : A)  Type ℓ

x is-in-the-same-component-of y = ∥ x ≡ y ∥

infix 100 _is-in-the-same-component-of_
  :  {: Level} (A : Type ℓ)
   Type ℓ

A is-connected =
    (A is-non-empty)
  × ((x y : A)  (x is-in-the-same-component-of y))
  :  {: Level} {A : Type ℓ}
   isProp (A is-connected)

is-connected-is-prop =
    (pi-is-prop (λ x  pi-is-prop λ y  trunc-is-prop))