
There are three definitions to say a function is an equivalence. All these definitions are required to be mere propositions and to hold the bi-implication of begin quasi-inverse. We show this clearly in what follows. Nevertheless, we want to get the following fact:

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split #-}
open import BasicTypes
open import HLevelTypes
open import FibreType

open import Transport
open import HomotopyType

module EquivalenceType where
\[\mathsf{isContr}(f) \cong \mathsf{ishae}(f) \cong \mathsf{biinv}(f).\]

Contractible maps

A map is contractible if the fiber in any point is contractible, that is, each element has a unique preimagen.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

isContrMap {B = B} f = (b : B)  isContr (fib f b)


map-contractible = isContrMap
_is-contr-map    = isContrMap

There exists an equivalence between two types if there exists a contractible function between them.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

isEquiv f = isContrMap f


isEquivalence   = isEquiv
_is-equivalence = isEquiv
_is-equiv       = isEquiv

Equivalence Type

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} (A : Type ℓ₁)(B : Type ℓ₂)
   Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

A ≃ B = Σ (A  B) isEquiv
module EquivalenceMaps {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}  where
  : A ≃ B
   (A  B)

lemap = π₁

More syntax:

≃-to-→ = lemap
fun≃   = lemap
_∙     = lemap
_∙→    = lemap
apply  = lemap

infixl 70 _∙ _∙→
  : A ≃ B
   (B  A)

remap (f , contrf) b = π₁ (π₁ (contrf b))
≃-to-←  = remap
invfun≃ = remap
_∙←     = remap
rapply  = remap

infixl 70 _∙←

The maps of an equivalence are inverses in particular

  : (e : A ≃ B)  {b : B}
   (e ∙→) ((e ∙←) b) == b

lrmap-inverse (f , eqf) {b} = fib-eq (π₁ (eqf b))
∙→∘∙← = lrmap-inverse
  : (e : A ≃ B)  {a : A}
   (e ∙←) ((e ∙→) a) == a

rlmap-inverse (f , eqf) {a} = ap π₁ ((π₂ (eqf (f a))) fib-image)
∙←∘∙→ = rlmap-inverse
  : (e : A ≃ B)
   ((e ∙→)(e ∙←)) ∼ id

lrmap-inverse-h e = λ x  lrmap-inverse e {x}
∙→∘∙←-h = lrmap-inverse-h
  : (e : A ≃ B)
   ((e ∙←)(e ∙→)) ∼ id

rlmap-inverse-h e = λ x  rlmap-inverse e {x}
∙←∘∙→-h = rlmap-inverse-h
open EquivalenceMaps public